Sunday, October 23, 2011

Learning Styles

Everyone learns differently.  I don't think that any person has only one particular way they learn; rather, they learn by a combination of different styles.  I believe that I learn by both visual and auditory means.  I enjoy a good presentation, and can recall what things look like and where they were placed during a presentation.  I also enjoy listening to people talk and share experiences during a good lecture.  These examples would suggest that I'm both a visual learner as well as an auditory learner.  However, I was/am an athlete, and I learned a lot during basketball or volleyball or softball by practicing things over and over again; by doing!  I guess that also makes me a kinesthetic learner as well.  Can I be all three?  Are some more present than others? 

I feel that I was taught and exposed to all different types of strategies while I was growing up, which makes me more apt to learn information in varying styles.  I feel that students, while they may be predisposed toward one type of learning, can still learn by the other types if they are exposed to them at a young age.  I guess there is a reason youth is called "the formative years".  I firmly believe that although we may have predispositions, we can be shaped by our experiences.  That's probably the scientist in me coming out; wanting to debate 'nature vs. nurture.' 

Many students haven't been exposed to all ways of learning, and it is extremely hard to accommodate all learning styles in one lesson.  However, I believe that being a good teacher means taking information and presenting it in a variety of ways to try to include all kinds of learners.  For example, perhaps there can be a lecture, a hands-on activity, and a demonstration which could possibly reach all learners.  Who knows, maybe it'll even help students who are predisposed to one learning style begin to make connections of a topic in another learning style?

1 comment:

  1. As teachers we certainly need to find different ways to teach the same content. Not in each lesson, but as we go through units of study every activity should not look the same. Students need the variety in the hope that we have tapped into one or more of their learning style.
